About Us
Sunday Services
Join us at our regular weekly gathering for a time of fellowship, worship, teaching and response in Britannia Village Hall, E16 1TU (2 minute walk from West Silvertown DLR station)
With refreshments available from 5pm, the service begins at 5:30pm and ends by around 6:30pm, with the opportunity to stay, chat and pray afterwards.
Children under 12 are more than welcome to attend with an accompanying adult, with fun and friendly children's group and staffed-creche for babies and toddlers available most weeks.
Midweek Groups
We believe 'church' is about so much more than just the Sunday meeting time and place. We also hold regular mid-week prayer meetings, bible-study groups, community meals and seasonal events. Everyone is welcome - get in touch to find out when and where you can join in.
It's fair to say we're a church that loves any excuse to celebrate - especially where those celebrations involve good food. We take the responsibility to embrace and enjoy God's blessings together seriously!
Our church started when the London Baptist Association identified that unless they invested in the then rapidly developing residential area of Britannia Village, there would be no local church to serve the thousands of local people moving into the area here. That remains our mission to this day: to serve our community by being welcoming, inclusive and by trying, however we can, to share the love and hope of our faith in God as understood primarily through the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ. We do this to see God changing lives, transforming our community and beyond.
Prioritising inclusivity means we are open to numerous different cultural, theological and social perspectives and we feel privileged to be part of such a diverse and vibrant collective of people. As a leadership team, we agree with the following sentiment expressed by Oasis Hub Waterloo:
'...we believe that theology isn’t just a subject to study; it’s a conversation to explore.
As a movement, rather than adopting immovable statements of faith and defending doctrinal positions, we commit ourselves to the continuous task of honouring and grappling with the Bible in community and with God. We seek to explore our beliefs through conversation, debate and dialogue.'
RDC is proud to be part of Red Letter Christians UK, finding ways to live out the words of Jesus (often printed in red in Bibles). Staying true to the foundation of combining Jesus and justice, Red Letter Christians mobilises people into a movement of believers who live out Jesus’ counter-cultural teachings.
Shane Claibourne and Tony Campolo instigated this movement of Christians who take seriously the words of Jesus personally, communally and publicly today. Shane and Tony visited us in May 2018 and it was there that the idea to bring Red Letter Christians to the UK began. Hear the talks they gave on our sermons page.
Our good friends and former ministers, Dave and Sally Mann are founding trustees of RLC UK and have been spreading the word through local and national media…you can listen in via the group’s Facebook page.
Children and Families
We feel passionately, as a community, that our young people deserve our best efforts to support and nurture them into the incredible creations they were designed by God to be. We also know that that is not always easy and there are many challenges facing local families. Wherever we are able, we are committed to creating a safe space for young people and their families to come for support - be it spiritual, practical or emotional.
Steering Team member Chloe leads on our Children and Families ministry. Get in touch to find out more about the positives steps being made to build and maintain good relationships with some of our community's most vulnerable young people.

Steering Team

First Visit?
What to expect at a Sunday service
We want to make it as easy as possible for new people to come and see what motivates us to do what we do: serving our community and worshipping God together. We know that can feel like a daunting prospect for some, especially when you don't know what to expect. Here are our replies to a few FAQs
What should I wear?
Whatever you want. If dressing up for church is something you enjoy doing, by all means feel free! But wear whatever you are comfortable in, there's no dress code.
What do I do when I get there?
If you arrive before the service from 5pm, you'll be greeted by a few friendly faces and offered to grab yourself something tasty from the refreshments table - it's all free of charge.
If you're feeling sociable, people generally enjoy chatting in the lobby area until the service starts at 5:30pm, but if you rather find a seat in the main hall and keep yourself to yourself, that's fine too. (We'll still probably come over to say hi but we're not easily offended if you're not in the mood to chat!)
What happens during the service?
Most of our meetings starts with live music and sung worship - we find it a great way to get our hearts and minds in the mood to hear from and talk about/to God but if it's not your thing, feel free to just sit and listen.
We share times of prayer - sometimes where everyone is invited to read together, often with just one person leading the prayers based on requests given before the service and most weeks anyone who wants to is encouraged to offer up prayers out loud or, if you want, to share one-to-one with an available church leader.
Generally, before the sermon, the children are invited out to Sunday school while everyone else hears a 20 minute(ish) talk that looks at teachings from the bible in relation to our own lives and community. After that, we spend time reflecting on the teaching - usually with more music and singing, an opportunity for prayer or a simple creative response.
When the service ends at 6:30pm, we hear news about the church-related events coming up in the next couple of weeks. Then everyone's invited to stick around, drink more free tea and coffee, chat and eat whatever lovely treat Jayne and her welcoming team have laid-on that week! If you can't stay afterwards, make sure you leave your contact details if you'd like us to keep in touch via a weekly newsletter email before you go.
Do I need to bring anything?
Just yourself! If you enjoy following passages from your own bible during the talk, please bring one.
We never ask for money offerings during the service. If people are interested in giving money, time or anything else towards RDC, we are more than happy to chat about the easiest ways to do that before or after the service.